PR Firm in NYC

office view of New York City

New York City has no shortage of public relations firms, ranging anywhere from media relations to public affairs to crisis management. It can be a lengthy process to find the right PR firm for you. Moreover, finding a top PR firm in NYC can be likened to finding a diamond in the rough, but they are out there in the Big Apple, and our PR firm in New York City might just be the right one for you!

Our NYC PR Firm

Pace Public Relations (PPR) is an international, full-service media communications and relations agency headquartered in NYC, with additional offices in Washington D.C. and London. Every single client has a PR strategy that is personalized and tailored to meet their goals and wishes for attaining media attention and growing their brand. We work with every client on a personal level, exemplifying their strengths while also homing in on areas of improvement. For example, some may speak very well to journalists and radio hosts, but don’t feel as comfortable on live TV and may desire further media training. Pace PR can get you to where you need to be.

New York City

Advertising vs. Public Relations

There is a huge difference between advertising which is paid media, and public relations which is earned media. Unlike advertising where a company would pay the TV network for a commercial time slot, public relations is greatly dependent on both a good story and genuine interest in order to receive successful bookings in traditional media. An individual can earn their media placement by having a compelling story or background, knowledge about the latest trending news, or being a go-to resource in their field.

Whole both advertising and public relations are important to building your brand and being able to target large audiences, public relations requires more skill and finesse, as the media placements are not paid but rather are earned through pitches, press releases, networking, and much more.

What Does a Public Relations Specialist Do?

When most think of a New York City publicist, they may immediately imagine the glitz and glamour that was portrayed by Samantha Jones’s iconic character from Sex and the City. But in truth, most publicists will not have the same level of allure and prestige as Miss Jones. However, Samantha did shed light on some of the fundamentals of public relations: networking, event planning, media relations and communication with clients.

A public relations specialist acts as the middle person for their client and the public. Through their connections, expertise and PR strategy, they target a variety of media outlets for booking opportunities in which their client may speak or be featured. Considering that the media never stops, neither does a PR specialist. Their day is generally a never-ending cycle of pitching producers, staying current with the latest trending news, planning client events, managing potential crisis situations, networking with influencers and creating PR campaigns. In short, a public relations specialist does a lot, but a top-notch PR agent, such as PPR’s Founder & President Annie Scranton, would not only be very good at what they do, they would also have a passion for public relations.

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Contact our New York PR Firm Today!

Before deciding to hire any NYC PR firm, make sure you ask for case studies and client referrals, along with their history of bookings and placements in the media, to ensure that they are the best PR firm for your particular needs and goals. We would be happy to share our client’s success stories with you. Contact Pace PR online or by phone at 212-254-4730 today!